Monday, 16 May 2011

Revision - Things to distract you from it!

So for anyone who is currently at uni, I am sure you are well into your revision! I know I am not the only one who is bored before they arrive at the library, thinking "why didn't I have an extra hour in bed?!?!" while staring blankly at lecture slides.

After an hour of this it soon gets to the point where you somehow find yourself on Youtube or playing a flash game..... So when this point arrives, here is just a couple of things you may want to do during your well earned break:

Angry Birds

So Angry Birds has finally made it's way off of smartphones and into chrome. Simply hit the image below and you will be whisked away to beat on some egg stealing pigs.


If you have anyone on your table that has an iPad, then this game is a must get. This hybrid of Tron and Snake is a perfect time waster for 2-4 people. This game can be anything from a fun 5 mins, to a battle of strategies for hours, depending on who you are playing with! Here is a little video showing it off to give you more of an idea what the game is about.

So I hope I haven't completely destroyed your exam revision and should you get bored of these, head over to The Good Resolution and check out some pretty awesome basketball videos.

Good luck to all of you taking exams in the near future!

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