Friday, 16 November 2012

A Night On The Town

So you have got yourself all dressed up for a night out on the tiles and before you know it you are in the middle of the dance floor of that exclusive London (other cities are available) club dancing to that new catchy song! You think to yourself, for the money I have paid to be here I must be having the best night ever... Right??

Well after seeing this new song from the Axis of Awesome, I think they have described the true experience of going clubbing perfectly!

Well this is what it is like 90% of the time! There is always the odd occasion that is just truly epic... And then they start playing dubstep... More "wubs" anyone??

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Commuter Wars

So I have noticed recently that I seem to form rivals on my daily commute. Now these people have never done anything to insult me or anger me in any way, they just seem to be the people I notice every day on my journey to and from work! They are the people who get on my train (that's right, my train) and tend to sit in a similar place to me. 

Now because they do get on my train, my brain has decided they are my enemy, my rival! If I were Ash they would be my Gary (a Pokemon reference there that if you aren't between the ages of 20-25 you probably won't understand!) So every day I find us locking eyes at the platform as the train arrives knowing only one of us can sit in THAT seat and we must get to it as quickly but discretely as possible. This is one of the main rules in this duel, you cannot let on that you care despite the fact that at that moment there is nothing more important than getting to THAT seat!!! The winner will sit there and feel smug for the rest of their day while the loser will be forced to sit somewhere else and plan a better strategy for the morning!

Well that is my take on what happens on my commute and I personally find it a much more boring experience when your rival is not there... No one likes winning by default!!!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Rebecca Black v2.0!

Right so I know it has been a little while since I have posted.... OK a long while... but when I saw this my jaw just dropped! The man behind Rebecca Black has waved his magic, and slightly creepy, wand over another young american teen. I present to you Nicole Westbrook!

Patrice Wilson, the aforementioned producer/rapper, has brought in new talent that, unfortunately for young Nicole, makes Rebecca Black's Friday look like a chart topping platinum record! So sit back and "enjoy" Nicole explaining to you just how great Thanksgiving is!

P.s. What is this guys obsession with dates and calendars...